Welcome to the CBM 64 section

The CBM 64 section will have a closer look at the releases we have produced all over the years, as we have started our activities under the Oxyron label in the year 1991. In that time we have produced lots of demos and the largest demo series ever, the COMA LIGHT series, twelve regular ones and three specials have worn this title.
Next to the demo activities some tools, magazines and games have been produced by our members, information about certain projects are available here, as well as the chance to download most of them.




HiPicCreator Screenshot

A small and easy-to-use paint program for the standard CBM 64 hi-res mode, being quite useful in order to design charactersets just to name one of the possible functions. Anyway, it is already very old (1991) and away from today's standards, still worth being used and for sure a MUST in order to complete your CBM 64 software collection.

EAFLI Editor

Another paint program for the good old breadbox. It's functions are a little bit simple but it has a very spectacular gfx-mode, a guarantee for stunning results when you know how to draw with a joystick.


    • PRAVDA, 1992
    • SCENE OBSERVER, 1992
    • ADDYBOOK, 1993
    • SKYHIGH, 1993-1994

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